What about Artificial Intelligence?
Artificial Intelligence, ¿what is it? ¿it’s cool or not? ¿will it be the end of free humanity or will it free us from the slavery of work? who should manage its principles and its ends? Carl Sagan said “We live in a society exquisitely dependent on science and technology, in which hardly anyone knows anything about science and technology.” Carl Sagan GIF from Carl GIFs This is increasingly accurate and, unfortunatly, more and more worrying. Artificial Intelligence manage more and more areas of our lives and we know nothing about how it works. Humanity's atavistic fear of the new has been seen during the burning of witches in the Middle and Modern Ages, in the destruction of machines in the Luddite movement and, now, in the distrust of the emergence of AI. Theese three episodes they could have been easily solved with information and a willingness to learn how things work. The film and entertainment industry predicts an apocaliptic future under the yoke of machines and technologie...